It’s great to hear that this project is moving forward and that the staff is thinking about how to make it a public resource that reflects the community. I asked Lucinda if she could expand a bit more on what type of input they’re seeking, and here was her response:
This is really the community’s chance to tell us about what they want this to be like: – what it feels like when you first walk in, what should it look like and what types of activities does the community want to see at this library that will service the not just Carrboro, but the Southern portion of the County. Also, they will be asked what do they think about the proposed site – pros and cons. Plus, the library will be starting an continual online conversation thru the Friends of the Carrboro Library Facebook page, www.facebook.com/OCSouthernBranchLibrary, and an online survey – with the same questions as at the meeting – beginning March 25.
Here are the days and times for the meetings:
Tuesday, March 25: 6 to 8 p.m., Hickory Tavern, 370-110 E. Main Street, Carrboro
Saturday, April 12: 12 to 2 p.m., Town Hall, 301 W. Main Street, Carrboro
I’m definitely hoping to attend one of the meetings, and will be sure to post the link to the online survey when it is available. Come out and support your community library, and share your vision for the future!