Are you free tomorrow evening, March 31st? If so, and you want to walk and talk city life, I will be joining
Molly DeMarco to lead a walking tour and discussion of Public Spaces in Downtown Chapel Hill and Carrboro as part of the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership’s “Dream Up Downtown” event series.The walk will begin at Peace and Justice Plaza (179 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill-in front of the downtown post office) at 6:30 pm. and proceed west, finishing in downtown Carrboro around 8:00 pm.
The walk will focus on the theme of Our Public Spaces! We’ll visit several public spaces as we wander through the two downtowns, and talk about what’s working well and what could use improvement. This event is meant to be a Jane’s Walk named after the influential writer and urbanist Jane Jacobs; it is as much a conversation as a tour. So please bring your own insights, questions, and vision for the future to share.
Come join us, all are welcome!