It was a light year of posting on this blog. Only 5 posts in total! I probably worked more hours this year than I ever have at my day job, and I’m sure that had an impact. Quick blog stat highlights for 2017:
- Total pageviews this year: about 5,100. Down from 10,700 in 2016 where I posted 8 times and also had one piece get picked up by reddit and the national blogosphere. That did not happen this year.
- Average pageviews per post was 725 in 2015, 669 in 2016, and 1,017 in 2017. So maybe more of you are reading a second piece after the first post when you visit?
With only 5 posts, running down a “Top X posts” list seems silly, but my recent piece about the Chelsea Theater’s future was the most popular post of the year.
Thanks to everyone who commented this year- it’s always a joy to have your perspective added.
I hope to write a few more pieces next year. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned!